Monday, August 12, 2013

Dingsdales - Episode 1

This is my first post ever on this blog! :)
This blog is an English version of my original Korean blog:

I will show you guys my first sims family ever, the Dingsdales.
I'll call those posts the Sims 3 play diary.
This was when I first started playing the Sims 3.
I started playing the Sims 3 in February of this year.
All the items were from EA,
and I didn't even know how to take screenshots at first that I don't have the very first screenshots.
The screenshots begin when my first sim's boyfriend grows into an adult.
I was really really bad at the Sims 3 and didn't know anything about it,
 but now, about 5 months from then, I even started making custom contents.

My very first sim was named Christina Dingsdale, a YA girl.
The last name Dingsdale was from a pretty girl in my school that wasn't even close to me.
I didn't even take a second to decide the last name..
cuz I didn't know I would play the family this long and I just chose randomly.:(
I'm still playing the family, and they are 4th generation.
The 3rd generations are still alive, but I sent them somewhere because I'm planning to get 5th generations pretty soon.
I don't really have a picture that shows Christina's face very well.
I didn't even take many screenshots in the beginning.
So the play diary might be really boring and not fun, 
but it would have more screenshots and sims would be prettier as days go by.
So I hope you like it! :D

I actually tried to make Christina a really pretty Blondie when I made her,
but now I think she just looks like an EA premade sim with a bunch of EA clothes.
This picture shows the best view of Christina.

This picture is when Christina was having woohoo with her husband.
I cropped the husband's picture. 

Anyways, I'll start my sims 3 play diary.

The first three pictures are Christina cooking.

She met her boyfriend Ethan Bunch and she's having some romantic times with him lol
(Now I think I was crazy to pick a Bunch guy to be my first sim's husband!!:(:()

And then Christina's proposing to Ethan!!!
I really wanted see a guy proposing to a girl.... but Ethan wouldn't propose and I couldn't wait for the wedding anymore!!

They are having woohoo right after the propose. lol

....I could see that Christina's more passionate at this.

Awwww... They're having dinner together sitting on the toilet and the edge of the bathtub :(:(:(:(:(
Don't you feel so bad?? Christina was so poor that I couldn't even get her a chair.
Yeah.. I really needed money.

Exchanging the wedding rings..:D:D

And kissing!!

Once in front of the guests

Once after all the guests left

And once more when they come back home, thinking about the marriage.
These are a series that makes solos really sad...:(:(

Oh there's one thing I forgot.
Christina's lifetime wish is Hit Movie Composer, which is to get to level 10 in the music career track (symphonic path).
So she's playing the guitar to achieve her dream.

She's attracting others' attentions by playing the guitar in the park.

The newlyweds are sleeping after the busy day. :)

The next day Christina's having an amateur performance again.

Christina's living busy by trying to achieve her dream and also running the household.
Ethan, whose lifetime wish is to get to the level 10 in the political career track, is playing chess in the back to raise his logic skill.

Awwwww Such a cute couple!

NOT. haha
Why is she rejecting?!!!
I really hate that motion
I could see that the motion is saying: "Ew, put that disgusting face away!!"

Oh.. Christina actually rejected because she wanted to do it on a bed, not a sofa haha

AAAHHHH That was long!

The next day, Christina throws up.
The time has come finally!! 

Ethan is raising his Charisma skill to achieve his dream of a political leader.

I bought them a TV and a video game even though they were really poor, since they wanted those so bad...

As expected, Christina changed into her maternity clothes.

Christina came to the library to read pregnancy books.
Now her belly is really fat and she walks weird.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, a pregnant woman reading a book!!!
Now she looks like a really prepared mother!!! :D

Oh I love that motion. :)
A husband rubbing the belly!!
But it's kinda funny how one of them comes to the bathroom when the other is using and asks the other for rubbing the belly. hahah


Christina begins to feel birth pains!!

The end of the post would be Ethan panicking and Christina going into labor.

I know it ends at a really weird moment but I think the post is getting way too long..
The progression is really fast because there aren't many screenshots.
It kinda feels like all of these things happened in one day haha
The play diary is super boring and you can't even see the sims' faces, 
but I can't really do anything with it because it's like a long time ago. :(
But I guess it would get better..
See you in next episode! :)

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